Friday, July 26, 2013

Another great card design!

Ok - this may not sound 'kosher' but I copied Shalana's original photo from her blog and 'cleaned' it up a bit and added her watermark - less than 5 minutes in PicMonkey!

Here is her original picture....

Step #1 - I cropped the photo to make it into a closer view of her artwork.

 #2 - I rotated her photo slightly so it would be level.

#3 - I sharpened the image 

#4 - I added her 'watermark'using the text box.

#5 - I added some "Frost" effects and it was done!  I didn't like it so I removed it....

Here is her finished photo!

If you are totally uncomfortable with taking the pictures etc. - just send me the photo and I will fix it up!

LOVE this card!!

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